Welcome to the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program
We are building an army of advocates who are dedicated to protecting children and amplifying their voices.
Divorcing a narcissistic or toxic individual takes the term, “high-conflict” to a level that few can comprehend. We are committed to educating the family court system that it only takes one person to create a high conflict divorce or child custody battle.
Divorce Coaching V. High Conflict Divorce Coaching
Which career path is right for you?
A Divorce Coach (DC) becomes a cheerleader for their client, providing emotional support as the client learns to traverse the new, unchartered territory of divorce and the blank pages that await them in the next chapter. Those blank pages can be anxiety inducing, so the support of a DC is invaluable. A DC asks open-ended questions, allowing the client to take the reins and lead while simultaneously tapping into their wants, feelings and core values which often get lost or neglected during the marriage. The end result is often an empowered client who is able to see the process in a new and more hopeful light.
A High Conflict Divorce Coach (HCDC) becomes a strategy partner for their client, getting into the trenches and assuming position as a trusted team member. A HCDC maintains strong boundaries, not crossing into attorney territory (legal advice) or therapeutic territory (mental health). The services and support of a HCDC compliments the work of family law attorneys and mental health providers. The HCDC holds a unique lens, helping their clients to see things from a variety of angles and perspectives so they are fully educated on the process. The HCDC guides the client to operate from a place of strategy versus emotion.
Watch our informational video and if you have questions, email tina@hcdivorcecoach.com.
Here is what we offer:
HCDCCP is an eight-week course with sessions in the winter (January) and Fall (August):
Students are vetted through an application screening process.
Graduates can apply to be listed in our coach referral database upon graduation.
We offer an online community for coach graduates (who remain in good standing) to further support their coaching and advocacy efforts after graduation.
Our program is self-paced so students can work other jobs during the certification process.
Ongoing support and education through meetings, masterclasses and peer mentorship.
Program graduates should be able to help clients through various stages of divorcing a narcissist or other high-conflict individual such as:
✔️ Goals and personal inventory
✔️ Formulating their plan to leave the toxic relationship
✔️ Co-parenting with a toxic individual
✔️ Family court 101: radical acceptance and managing expectations
✔️ The challenges of parenting when the other parent is toxic or unhealthy
✔️ Starting over: life after divorce
✔️ The importance of strategic co-parenting communication
✔️ Understanding toxic people and behaviors
✔️ Navigating the family court system (mediation, negotiations, child custody evaluations, strategy, and documentation)
✔️ Family court advocacy: getting involved and making changes
“Tina’s expertise and this coaching program are invaluable! Her work is priceless. I would have taken out a second mortgage to have worked with Tina or to have taken this course at the beginning of my divorce. It would have saved me over a hundred-thousand dollars. I cannot wait to empower and guide other people during one of the most difficult times of their lives.” ”
Features of the program
8 Modules (1 per week)
Students will receive access to weekly guest lectures, worksheets and quizzes on topics such as coaching, psychology, parenting, co-parenting, legal, business building and bonus modules.
Hands-On Coaching
Students will receive hands-on experience on a variety of topics related to high-conflict divorce, child custody battles or co-parenting challenges through pre-screened volunteer clients.
Weekly Zoom Support
Students will have weekly support through group Zoom calls (multiple time options available to accommodate schedules). Group calls will focus on weekly modules and provide more in-depth conversations.
Program graduates may apply to receive referrals through our website upon completion of the program. There is no fee for graduates to be listed in our referral database.
Meet top experts in the field of psychology along with notable family court professionals who will serve as guest lecturers
Tina Swithin
Dr. Ramani
Dr. Danback
Program Curriculum
Week One: Interpersonal
1) Introduction
2) Coaching as a Career
2) The Foundation of our Coaching Practice
3) Our Clients in Family Court
Week Two: Psychology
1) The Narcissist During a Divorce or Child Custody Battle
2) The Narcissist
3) Profiling the Narcissist
4) Parenting When Your Co-Parent has NPD
Week Three: Divorce Coaching
1) Identifying Client Goals
2) Relationship Between Coach and Client
3) Self-Reflection and Identifying Triggers
4) Trauma-Informed Coaching
Week Four: Divorce Coaching - Strategy in Action
1) The Language of the Narcissist and Strategic Communication
2) Safeguarding from Claims of Parental Alienation
3) Team Building: Family Court Professionals
4) Staying in Your Lane: Legal and Therapeutic Boundaries
5) Child Custody: Overall Strategy
Week Five: Legal Part One
1) Mediation and Negotiations
2) The Realities and Intricacies of the Family Court System
3) Domestic Violence in Family Court: Emotional and Psychological Abuse
4) Co-Parenting while under a Microscope
Week Six: Legal Part Two
1) Narcissism in Family Court Professionals
2) Ten Mistakes that People Make
3) The Perfect Witness
4) Child Custody Evaluations
Week Seven: Documentation & Preparation
1) Documentation
2) Evaluation Preparation
3) Fraud Investigations & Investigative Accounting
Week Eight: Business Building
1) Your Business: Set-up, Messaging, Website and Marketing
2) Branding
3) Social Media and Strategy
4) Networking in your Local Court System
5) Getting and Retaining Clients
Bonus Materials
1) Family Court Advocacy: Getting Involved
2) Websites with Squarespace
3) New Chapter: Dating and Starting Over
4) Dethroning Your Inner Critic
5) Knowledge and Insight for Helping Clients with Special Needs Children
What our Coach Graduates Say
Certified High-Conflict Divorce Coach
High Conflict Divorce and Custody Coach