Testimonials from Our Graduates
"Taking Tina's HCDC certification was one of the best decisions I have ever made! Tina made sure to have the top professionals in each field share their wisdom along with her own to give us the tools we need to be successful coaches. Not only did we learn how to be successful High Conflict Divorce Coaches, but we created a community of professionals to lean on for individual support and support with our clients! I am already a Certified Divorce Coach, Certified Divorce Specialist, and Divorce transition and recovery coach and the information I learned in this program was different and priceless compared to all others! I highly recommend it to anyone interested in helping individuals get strategically unstuck from their toxic exes while protecting the best interests of their children."
— Dr. Susan Bernstein EdD, CDC, Divorce Coach Plus
“The HCDCC program has been a truly invaluable experience! In addition to sharing her years of experience and expertise, Tina has compiled a comprehensive list of distinguished expert lecturers to provide us with a fact-based, trauma-informed, and empathetic approach to supporting and guiding healthy parents through a high conflict divorce. I can confidently say that that I am proudly becoming a coach, with a growing network of coaches beside me, who will have the necessary knowledge, resources, and experiences to support my clients and their children to successfully navigate the challenges they may face, and not only survive these challenges, but thrive within them! I couldn’t be more grateful to Tina or this program!”
— Jen DeGaetano, M.Ed., Rooted Elm Coaching
"I was thoroughly impressed by Tina Swithin's HCDCCP. There was a ton of content, but it was all presented in a way that was easily absorbed. From the impressive guest speakers to the phenomenal take-away resources to the live Q&A sessions with Tina herself, the course was easily worth double than its going rate. The professional network alone that you gain from this course, by meeting many other new coaches and established professionals in the industry, was well worth the price of admission. This HCDCCP has made me feel ready, confident, and excited to embark on this new career. I would highly recommend this program to anyone thinking of doing it."
— Rosanna

“When I signed up for this course, I did it because I wanted to be part of a solution that desperately needs to be found. I felt such pain for all the kids suffering at the hands of the family Court System. I had no idea what I was in for. The depth of the lessons, the knowledge shared, the expert teachers, including Tina, has already given me an education I couldn’t get anywhere else - even after the many books read, the constant research, and the study of my local court system. This course far surpasses all my expectations. It’s because of this course that I will be able to do my part to assist others in their high conflict divorces and custody battles, and hopefully bring peace to those who desperately need it.”
"Upon enrolling in this certification program, I had no idea the impact it would have on my personal and professional life. This training is jam-packed with brilliant experts, invaluable information and uplifting support from Tina, as well as the other students. Whether you are looking to become a high conflict divorce coach or going through a high conflict divorce yourself, this program is pivotal for your success."
— Cyndi Montalbano, Lotus Divorce Consulting
"Being familiar with Tina Swithin's work and advocacy in the family court system, I knew that anything she put her heart into would be good, including the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program. What I didn't expect was to be so blown away by the line-up of professional guest instructors and the robustness of the program. It's not just the course work or the line-up of instructors though--it's the built-in network of support and the genuine desire to support our success that has given me the confidence to start my career as a certified high conflict divorce coach. I am forever grateful to Tina for this opportunity and look forward to being part of this community as we work together to walk others through the chaos."
— Carie Bellanger, SpiritSong High Conflict Divorce Coaching
"Tina's expertise and this coaching program are invaluable! Her work is priceless. I would have taken out a second mortgage to have worked with Tina/have taken this course at the beginning of my divorce. It literally would have saved me over a hundred thousand dollars. We should all be able to turn our living hell into helping others and supporting ourselves while doing it. I cannot wait to empower and guide other people during one of the most difficult times of their lives. Much gratitude for you Tina. You are a gift that keeps on giving, especially with this program. To make a difference one survivor at a time!"
— Michelle H.
"Tina and her team of experts and industry professionals have created an incredible and unique course. A wonderful balance of information spanning across the critical competencies that a High Conflict Divorce Coach must develop for a successful practice. In addition, I was impressed with Tina’s level of personal involvement, and deep understanding of the journey one makes from being a victim, to a survivor, to someone who thrives through purpose filled work. I am very grateful to have completed this course, and to be part of an important community."
— R.L.Kelly
"This program was instrumental in my personal journey as a divorce coach. Tina did a phenomenal job at curating incredibly informed professionals to guide us through the various aspects of divorcing a high conflict individual. I cannot extend my thanks to Tina enough. I wish I had taken this course when I first began my divorce. That said, as I help other women through theirs, I am confident and prepared that I WILL make an impact and support them in many invaluable ways.”
— Meghan Kelly

"This HCDCCP course has given me the resources and knowledge on how to help individuals navigate their journey post-divorce and through the depths of custody hell and family court. Tina Swithin and the entire team of instructors have fully equipped me to help clients find the best pathway to peace and healing. In addition, the HCDCCP provides realistic, valuable, and such applicable instruction so that we may best help our clients strategize in the best way possible, along with helping them understand and deal with their trauma so that they continue to grow and become stronger through it all."
— Michelle Burke
"Working and learning with Tina, and the other course participants, was a fantastic experience both personally and professionally. The quality of the instructors and the course content is of a very high caliber and is a credit to Tina and her team. The support and collaboration from Tina and other course participants is second-to-none and I am looking forward to maintaining the connections that we have forged. Thank you Tina for everything you have done and continue to do in this space - you have helped me get to a place where I can support women who are navigating a challenging path. Thanks to the comprehensive HCDC course I feel well-prepared to step into this role."
— Danielle Black, Rose Rock Education & Coaching
More Testimonials!
"It is a beautiful awakening that I'm capable of making a difference in not only my life, but in the life of others with similar experiences." -Kristina
"I found the course content to be invaluable in setting the framework for a coach to develop an individual practice, regardless of which state or country you live." -Leonie McCabe (Australia)
"Tina's program far exceeded my expectations. It's full of valuable information in a well organized, easy to learn style that would set anyone up for success. I highly recommend this program." -Marilyn Valentine
"Very educational and condensed class with the ability to help other women while building your own business." -Diane F.
"What an amazing opportunity to grow my professional practice. So impressed with the versatile and powerful speakers." -Jenny Ward, Parent Coordinator
"This course is so much more than meets the eye. Tina created a deep dive into every aspect you could think of in a high conflict divorce or custody case. Graduates of her program are 100% qualified to guide others through their journey." -Jennifer
"This program was the best education of my life! Tina took me on deep-dive into the world of divorcing High-Conflict individuals and I surfaced with an entire toolbox for my clients. Post-Separation abuse is no joke and it will be used at all costs for those that want to “win”. A top-notch program that educates you to be a supportive, strategic, and a confident Coach – I am honored to be a graduate, thank you!" -Kim Claridy
"This comprehensive and well-rounded program provided me with a framework and the necessary skills to work with women struggling through the divorce process with high conflict individuals. Tina gathered some incredible presenters and the course work was lively, thought-provoking and always informative." - Alexa Wolkoff