Find a Divorce Coach
Coaches listed on our website have been certified through the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program (HCDCCP) however, these coaches are not employees or contractors of HCDCCP. While we are happy to be able to provide this database of coach graduates, we assume no legal or financial liability or responsibility for your experience with HCDCCP graduates. Your decision to hire or contract with a coach listed here is between you and your divorce coach.
Please note that coaches are listed by geographical location however, they are trained to help anyone, regardless of location.
Find a Divorce Coach by Category
- Addiction Issues
- African American Coaches
- Attorney Conflict/Communication
- Child Abuse
- Child-Mother/Sabotage
- Child Sexual Abuse
- Children w/Special Needs
- Coercive Control
- Co-parenting Communication
- Court Preparation
- Custody Evaluations
- Dependency Court
- Documentation/Organization
- Domestic Violence
- DVRO/RO/CPO (Protection Orders)
- Emotional support
- Familial Issues
- Financial Abuse/Assets
- Guardianship/Termination
- International/Immigration
- Military
- Mediation
- “Parental Alienation” Allegations
- Parenting
- Parenting Plans
- Paternity Issues
- Post Separation Abuse
- QDROs/Assets
- Religious/Spiritual Abuse
- Reunification Treatments
- School & Education
- Self-Care
- Spanish Speaking
- Trauma Informed
- Trial Preparation
- Visitation Refusals
If you resonate with any of the following statements, you would be helped by having a divorce coach on your team:
I am new to divorcing a narcissist (or high conflict individual) and I don’t want to make mistakes.
I am struggling with radical acceptance and/or managing my expectations.
I struggle with what (and how) to document.
I have been using gray rock communication and it’s hurting my case.
I don’t understand what matters to the court system and I feel lost.
I feel alone and no one understands – my own therapist seems baffled.
I am at odds with my attorney, and I don’t feel heard.
I am facing a custody evaluation and I don’t know how to prepare.
The judge sees me as part of the problem and I don’t know how to turn this around.
Our high-conflict divorce coaches have received extensive training on post separation abuse.
These coaches have been taught by leading experts around the world and they are trained to serve as strategy partners.