My Hidden Scars

Tiffany Colburn
Tiffany Colburn
Divorce Coach, Virginia, United States
Phone - (757) 201-8767
Email -
Address - Virginia, United States
Website -
Overview and Experience
I am a mom to four kids, a narcissistic abuse survivor, and a certified High Conflict Divorce Coach. I was married to my college sweetheart for 16 years when I realized that I was a victim of domestic violence. I grew up in a middle-class family in the burbs; I never envisioned that I would be a victim, it couldn’t be me, but it was. My abuse was nothing like I had heard about or what I envisioned it to be. My abuse wasn’t blatantly violent; it was silent; I was controlled with money, fear, words, and very covert pinching or smacks on the bottom. Leaving was the most challenging but most amazing feeling ever!
Once I was out of my marriage, or at least we weren’t living together, I realized that so many others out there had suffered through the same abuse I did, and I wanted to help them. I decided to go back to school, study psychology, become a high conflict divorce coach, and help those facing the same. I wanted to make sure my kids knew ALL the signs of domestic abuse and provide them with the best life I could.
This is my story, it may not look exactly like yours or anyone else’s, but I am sure you will see similarities. Please feel free to reach out at any time; if I can make a difference in just one person’s life, I will have accomplished what I set out to do.