Second Bloom Divorce Consulting

Tara Garrity
Tara Garrity
Divorce Consultant
Phone - (646) 290-0128
Email -
Address - Charlotte, NC USA
Website -
Overview and Experience
Welcome to Second Bloom Divorce where your next chapter begins. Often when we find ourselves pre, during or post a traumatic experience (divorce), we switch to reaction mode where our emotions drive our behaviors, especially when dealing with a high conflict individual. This often leads to poor decisions. These decisions can have a high price tag if the custody of your children is hanging in the balance.
I am a Certified Divorce Coach, Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach, a NC Domestic Violence Advocate and DivorceCare instructor. As a result of my experience and training, I feel passionately about helping women avoid the pitfalls we so often fall into. With education, strategy, and compassion, I meet you where you are at, so you avoid mistakes during your divorce process. These mistakes can greatly affect your children and the experience they have during or after the divorce. I feel strongly that one person can positively affect the outcome of a divorce and co-parenting relationship. We have more power than we think we have and once you tap into it, you will be unstoppable. I want to help you become that person, so you look back on your divorce with pride that you stayed true to your values.
Hours of operation:: M-F 8-5pm EST