Hope Doesn't Quit

Suzanne Hope
Suzanne Hope
Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach, New Jeresy, United States
Phone - (603) 965-6635
Email - suzanne@hopedoesntquit.com
Address - West Milford, New Jeresy, United States
Website - www.hopedoesntquit.com
Overview and Experience
Like so many others who have traveled this journey, being married to, and divorced from – or trying to divorce – from toxic narcissists, I know the struggle. I endured 20 years of post-separation abuse with four children, including triplets. But I survived, and I am determined to help others who face the fear, anxiety, and loneliness that emerge when they realize they are in a high conflict fight for their lives and those of their children. By offering empathetic support, clarity of purpose, and informed guidance as they navigate the legal, financial, parenting, and personal challenges inherent in the process, I hope to inspire a sense of confidence and empowerment that has each feeling “in control” and not a victim of forces confronting them.