Stephanie Gryder

Stephanie Gryder
Stephanie Gryder
High Conflict Divorce Coach and Consultant, Cary NC
Phone - (919) 706-1980
Email -
Address - Cary, NC
Overview and Experience
Divorce is grueling…Divorcing a narcissist is Soul-Sucking! I get it. Breathe girlfriend, You’re not…Alone, Crazy, Unhinged or anything else your narcissist wants you to believe. Hi, I'm Stephanie and I help women navigate the overwhelm and complexities of High Conflict Separation, Divorce, Custody Wars and Co-parenting. Together, with sound strategy, proven tools and compassionate support, you can re-discover your POWER during a time of perceived powerlessness and re-gain CONTROL of your life and case amidst the narcissistic chaos. I am, for my clients, who and what I wish I had when I was navigating this confusing, soul-sucking path…traumatized and alone. Take my hand and I will…Meet you where you are and hold a safe, confidential and nonjudgmental space for your story, Honor your trauma as you regain your footing, Prepare you for the emotional, legal and financial aspects of divorce, Arm you with sound strategy and tools to fight a clean war, Guide you from chaos to calm and organize the overwhelm. I will support you while being realistic, honest and mindful of the marathon ahead in a safe space where empathy meets strategy, getting you “Warrior Ready” to protect yourself and your children. Let's reshuffle, Level-up and Reset your position from Defense to Offense. I’ve got your back girlfriend, and I’d love to meet you and hear your story.
Hours of operation:: Monday-Saturday 8:00am-9:00pm (by appointment)