
Sarah Sullivan
Sarah Sullivan
Divorce Coach, Texas, United States
Phone - (512) 924-3934
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Address - Texas, United States
Website -
Overview and Experience
What we know matters, who we are matters more. I am a survivor, and you are too.
After my own experiences I made the decision to dedicate my life to try and help as many other people not go through this experience alone. Determining how to do that, finding my purpose, and making sense of my journey has been quite the adventure! I have an advocate heart and have always found myself drawn into scenarios of work that support others. I did not set out on my path of personal growth with an end goal of becoming a “divorce coach” or a “coparenting coach”, however if you pay attention, the universe has a way of showing you what you need to do. My calling is to be the best human I can, raise the best humans I can, and live with love and light.
I enjoy a happy life with my three wonderful children and our tiny farm of animals. I am constantly filled with gratitude for the support of my family, friends, and community.
“Majelu” became my mantra throughout my court proceedings. As emotions ran high and I began to get beaten down; I would repeat the word to keep my mind focused on the only thing that mattered - my children. MaJeLu combines the first two letters of my children’s names in order of birth.