Safe Space Coaching

Rosanna Riverso
Rosanna Riverso
Divorce Coach, Canada
Address - Canada
Website -
Overview and Experience
On February 14, 2015, I stared at the bare, yellowed walls of the mental health ward and wondered how I got to this low and hopeless point. It was Valentine’s Day and I found myself feeling completely void of all forms of love. I felt no love in my marriage, no love for myself and no love for life.
I had lost my former confident, chatty and cheerful self. She was a faint memory at this point.
I felt totally consumed by guilt, worry, anxiety, hopelessness, and self-doubt. I was frozen stiff by overwhelming, racing thoughts to the point that my once social demeanour had become silent. My palpitating heart and vivid dramatic fears kept me up each night for weeks on end.
The doctors said that the stress of my relationship with my husband had taken a serious toll on my mind and body. They said I needed to heal myself first and then determine if the relationship could be healed.