Life After an Abusive Relationship

Rina Groeneveld
Rina Groeneveld
High Conflict Divorce Coach, Quebec, Canada
Phone - +1 450 455 4694
Address - Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Website -
Overview and Experience
Navigating my high-conflict divorce was a struggle… …but I did it—one step at a time… I built my tribe—other women in the same situation as me. I found out from them how predictable narcissistic abusers are. I came out of the experience stronger and wiser than I was when I went in. I wanted to use the lessons I learned to help others, so I trained to become a certified high-conflict divorce coach. I’m here to help you as you navigate the rocky seas of a high-conflict divorce or custody battle. I guide you, and I work with you to develop a strategy and express your truth authentically instead of getting blown off course by your ex’s manipulations, harassment or accusations.
Hours of operation:: 9:00 to 16:00 EST (15:00 - 22:00 CET) Monday to Thursday and 9:00 to 12:00 EST Fridays, and I generally check my emails once an hour, on the hour, so if you need to contact me more urgently, you can call my home phone number +1 450 455 4694.