Divorce Differently

Michelle Hanney
Michelle Hanney
Divorce Coach, Washington, DC
Phone - (202) 330-9071
Email - mhdivorcecoachdc@gmail.com
Address - Washington, DC
Website - www.divorcedifferently.biz
Overview and Experience
At Divorce Differently, our mission and calling is to help others navigate extreme divorce matters through awareness, self-reflection, information, and strategic partnership. By partnering with my clients and empowering them to navigate their divorce with purpose and knowledge, they will build the toolkit and resilience needed to achieve the best of outcomes for their family and their life going forward. Many times the battle (post separation abuse) really begins once the divorce is final. By understanding the reality of the family court landscape, the players, and the steps and team needed to face these battles, learning the importance of communication and presentation, clients gain the best possible outcomes pre and post-divorce.
Hours of Operation - 9-6pm EST