Resilience High Conflict Divorce Coach

Michaela Kelly
Michaela Kelly
Divorce Coach, Connecticut, United States
Phone - (860) 786-2198
Email -
Address - Connecticut, United States
Website -
Overview and Experience
I have experience in divorce and co-parenting with a high conflict individual. I understand that reality during these times can be similar to a complex mind boggling equation. I will walk you through the solution to break free from the chaos. I am not a therapist or an attorney but a support and guide that can enable you to reduce the clutter and help you gain clarity.
In addition to personal experience I have education. I am a Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach graduate. This program, developed by Tina Swithin founder of One Mom's Battle, is taught by top expert instructors (psychology, trauma, law, business, marketing and coaching) all gathered together by Tina in collaboration for the High Conflict Divorce Coach Certification Program.