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Meghan Kelly
Meghan Kelly
Divorce Coach, Los Angeles, CA
Phone - (310) 422-6031
Email -
Address - California, United States
Website -
Overview and Experience
2 years in practice. I help women play the long game of divorce by taking the high road and keeping their children their guiding light when children are involved. As a high-conflict divorce coach, I work with women at all stages of divorce -- before, during and after -- and help address their needs which include but aren't limited to: child custody, grief, parenting plans, future planning, strategic communication, disengagement from toxic patterns, setting boundaries, identifying non-negotiables, having hope and how to support the needs of children during divorce. My goal is to meet clients where they are and be a source of non-judgmental support and guidance through the struggles of ending a marriage.
Hours of Operation: M-F - Hours varied between 10:30am-2pm PST or by appointment.