Divorce Conflict Solutions

Lisa James
Lisa James
High Conflict Divorce & Custody Coach, Alberta Canada
Phone - (403) 679-2883
Email - info@divorceconflictsolutions.com
Address - Alberta Canada
Website - www.divorceconflictsolutions.com
Overview and Experience
I was once in your shoes. During my divorce battle, I was anxious, overwhelmed, and terrified. I had no idea how the family court system worked or how to protect our children. I only knew that divorcing a high-conflict individual was the worst battle of my life.
After having limited resources and support, I returned to school to get a psychology degree to work with individuals in a similar situation as mine. I wanted to be the person I needed most during my long court battle – someone who understood the complex challenges of divorcing an unpredictable high-conflict individual. Someone who could help me communicate efficiently and guide me to know what battles to pick and which to leave behind. I needed someone to strengthen my relationship with my children and tell me I would be okay.
Since my journey began, my professional focus has included mental health, addictions, grief, trauma, sexual assault, suicide intervention, family violence intervention, mindfulness, meditation, and nutrition. In addition, I specialize in complex personality disorders, custody disputes and blended families.