Parenting Separately

Keren Ras
Keren Ras
Divorce Coach, Israel
Phone - (058) 442-2684
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Address -Israel
Website -
Overview and Experience
Nice to meet you I am Keren, a family counselor and parent counselor, who specializes in mentoring divorced parents. I am also divorced myself, and a mother separately to a honey-sweet girl.
My story is a story of so many families. A promising relationship that ends in a long, exhausting and stressful divorce dispute. Such a process is accompanied by emotions and events that often make it very difficult for the former couple to function well in their lives and in particular in the new family fabric. Sometimes the involvement of the systems in family life adds another tier of difficulty and complexity since, it puts stress on the family dynamics and forces the parties to be in constant contact with each other, and there seems to be no quiet moment. From every direction a new issue arose, something else that we need to address, another discussion that needs to be prepared for, another welfare meeting that needs to be made time for, another event in the children's educational framework that needs to be mentally prepared for ... because all of these also include meetings with the parent. The other and we feel overwhelmed.
Then, when the proceedings end at a good time, real life begins. All the system elements that have been involved so far are out of the picture. There is no longer an eye that monitors, and one has to learn to manipulate life in two houses. Own. Suddenly it turns out that there are so many "gray" areas and that no one has actually taught us how to do it. Now you have to learn it on your own, while on the go and with a partner to instruct that the precipitation is with him a lot. Children often experience difficulty adjusting to life in two homes, and we do not always know how to help them.