Wise Way Divorce Solutions

Jes Holst
Jes Holst
Certified High-Conflict Divorce Coach, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (R), Certified High-Conflict Mediator, Washington, United States
Phone - (253) 214-8582
Email - jes@wisewaysolutions.com
Address - Gig Harbor, Washington
Website - www.wisewaysolutions.com
Overview and Experience
I spent six years immersed in high-conflict family law as a party, paralegal, and student attorney. I became a certified high-conflict divorce coach, certified divorce financial planner (CDFA(R)), and certified high-conflict mediator after realizing that the legal field is generally not equipped to handle the complex issues experienced by parties of a high-conflict family law matter. I now offer divorce and co-parenting coaching, divorce financial planning, and mediation services for high-conflict cases through my business Wise Way Divorce Solutions. I am passionate about filling the gap in the legal system and helping people restore health, wealth, and happiness on the other side of their high-conflict family law matter.
Hours of operation:: 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM Monday through Friday