Divorce Coach Jackie Miller

Jackie Miller
Jackie Miller
Divorce Coach, California, United States
Specialty -High-Conflict Divorce and Custody
Phone - (310) 600-3775
Email - jackie@jackiemillercoaching.com
Address - California, United States
Website - www.jackiemillercoaching.com
Overview and Experience
After a two year battle in a high-conflict divorce, I knew I had to help others in similar situations. At the beginning of my divorce, I was lost, overwhelmed and completely ignorant on the divorce process let alone prepared for the difficult journey ahead of me.
One thing I knew for sure was that I had to protect my two precious daughters from the conflict and maintain some sort of normalcy while my life was spinning out of control.
Through my difficult journey I realized that:
I could have been much more prepared going into the divorce and
There were many steps along the way that would have made the process much more manageable emotionally and financially as well as given me the strategy I needed to navigate the court system.
Every divorce has its own personality and knowing how to tackle the specific obstacles in your own divorce makes you feel like you have some sort of control. If I had someone that could have helped me be more organized, informed and empowered as well as saved time and money I would certainly have hired them. In short, I needed a divorce coach.