Dr. Karen Anderson

Dr. Karen Anderson
Dr. Karen Anderson
High Conflict Divorce Coach, Illinois
Phone - (309) 828-2247
Email - passionarabians@aol.com
Address - Bloomington, Illinois, USA
Overview and Experience
I am a certified High Conflict Divorce Coach, Divorce Mediator, Financial Mediator, and Parent Coordinator with 33 years of experience in the family court system. I have college degrees in elementary education along with several areas of special education and a doctorate in education administration. I know what it feels like to fear the unknown, parent alone, be overwhelmed and perplexed by all that goes on in the family court system, and how long it can take from the beginning to the end of the divorce battle. As a professional, I have worked with narcissistic individuals for years who attempt to control the other parent by dragging things out, threatening to make the other parent “pay” if the narc doesn’t get what the narc wants, watched the narc try to spiral the case out of control through hateful, flagrant and atrocious acts toward the other parent which ultimately ended up in failing. I have an innate ability to put people at ease, am a good listener who strategically guides clients by asking questions, making suggestions, and helping the clients work through their immediate and long-term problems. As a high conflict divorce coach, I can put all of my years of experience and expertise to work for you by offering a myriad of services, including but not limited to: *listening; * asking you questions; *and helping you think strategically about your case; *putting some of your fear of the unknown in perspective; *providing you with a system to help you organize your case as you enter the legal system; *prepping you emotionally for the courtroom battle; *discussing courtroom behavior; *helping you work through child issues; *talking through possible outcomes; *checking in with you to be sure you have found emotional support for yourself and your children if necessary, and that you are making time to rest and rejuvenate, while always….. remaining a determined, loving Mom for your child or children!
Hours of operation: Negotiable beginning at 8:00 a.m. Central Illinois Time