Stomping On Eggshells, LLC

Claudia Marquez
Claudia Marquez
Custody and Co-parenting Coach, Massachusetts, United States
Phone - 617-404-2293
Email -
Address - Metrowest, Massachusetts, United States
Overview and Experience
Motivated by my years-long experience in family court, I became certified as a High Conflict Divorce Coach in March 2021 and a Domestic Violence Survivor Advocate in 2023. I have had the privilege of helping over 100 targeted parents overcome the common control tactics we experience in divorce, custody and co-parenting. To help you get the most value out of the coaching experience, I tailor proven strategies to fit your unique gifts and circumstances, and show you how to implement them effectively. When you not only have the right tools but the confidence to use them, you gain the clarity and calmness to shift the power imbalance in your favor. Using my Now/Next approach, we'll identify and tackle the most pressing priorities you're facing now, releasing the overwhelm and building momentum for the next level of preparation. I serve clients in New England online, in-person and through group workshops, and throughout the US through 1:1 video coaching. In addition to my coaching and advocacy certifications, I have a bachelor's degree in business from California State University, Northridge. I live in Massachusetts with my child and rescue dog.
Hours of Operation - Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm (some evenings available)