Hope Kinley Coaching, LLC

Christina Butler
Christina Butler
MS, Certified High Conflict Divorce Coach, North Carolina
Phone - (980) 221-9012
Email - hopekinleycoaching@gmail.com
Address - Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Website - www.hopekinleycoaching.com
Overview and Experience
A graduate of the HCDCCP June 2022, Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, and fellow survivor
I feel that I have improved drastically due to the program and have a voice that can help women in high conflict divorces. I have survived and thrived post divorce and want to help others do this. I have a unique voice in my geographic area, as a strong women in the south. I've been helping coach friends and people in my social circles for the past two years and have really honed my skills and know that I can help others think strategically and help coach them to be the warrior they need to be in order to navigate the family court system.