SpiritSong High Conflict Divorce Coaching, LLC

Carie Bellanger
Carie Bellanger
Divorce Coach, Arkansas, United States
Phone - (972) 696-9003
Email - spiritsonghcdc@gmail.com
Address - Ashdown, Arkansas, USA
Overview and Experience
The same qualities that made me a prime target for a narcissist--my intuitive and empathetic nature--are the qualities that will allow me to walk with and guide you on your journey. I am many years removed from my own divorce. However, I have spent years healing, recognizing the abusive patterns of post-separation abuse, and acknowledging the trauma that both my children and I experienced, even after the divorce was final. Having the opportunity to become a certified high-conflict divorce coach through Tina's program was absolutely the right thing for me at this point in my life--I get to be the person for others that I wish I had had by my side. You don't have to walk this path alone.
Hours of Operation - 9:00 AM-5:00 PM, M-F (my hours are actually very flexible but I didn't know how to put that and thought maybe having consistent hours would be best as a public presentation)