High Conflict High Road

Britanie Grandinette
Britanie Grandinette
Divorce Coach, California, United States
Phone - (267) 288-3832
Email - highroadhcdc@gmail.com
Address - Sacramento, California, United States
Website - www.highconflicthighroad.com
Overview and Experience
I know what it is like to divorce a high conflict individual. It does not take two to fight when dealing with an abuser or a toxic and controlling person. I hear you and I believe you. You need someone one on your team who “gets it”.
Certified as a High Conflict Divorce Coach under Tina Swithin, CEO/Founder of One Mom’s Battle, I have dedicated myself to raising awareness of intimate partner violence and its impact on victims.
After a long divorce process, I found myself wanting to not have had this journey in vain. I am motivated by lending a hand up to someone on the dark path I once was on. My goal is in helping you learn the skills I learned over the years, but faster!
Child custody is not a race but a marathon and building your team and developing strategy start day one.
Just like having an attorney and a therapist on board is a priority - so is a divorce coach. I specialize in high conflict custody and divorce cases.
I have had this experience has been described to me as feeling like “treading water in the middle of an ocean”. The feelings of aimlessness, desperation, and hopelessness can consume us and steal our joy… if we let it. Let’s get to work on a collaborative plan with an end goal in mind — to protect our children. I want to help you discover the tools to get educated and empowered. I am here to work on this process together to obtain the best results!