Stand Your Ground High Conflict Divorce Coaching

Annie Gunderson
Annie Gunderson
Divorce Coach, Oregon, United States
Phone - (360) 991-9494
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Address - Oregon, United States
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Overview and Experience
Annie Gunderson is the founder of Stand Your Ground Coaching, a Coaching Practice that includes several professional divorce coaches who cooperate and collaborate to provide their clients with personalized support. Annie is passionate about the power of divorce coaching to improve her client’s experience, prioritize the best interests of the children and save significant money in the process.
In her role as a coach, Annie combines an understanding of human behavior with real-world experience. Annie comes from a place of understanding, and not judgment. She has experience with a variety of challenging mental health conditions including narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Annie has an understanding of the impact of drug addiction and alcohol abuse on the dynamics of a divorce and coparenting relationship. Annie has empathy and understanding of the crippling self-doubt that can keep a person in a bad situation even after they know it’s time to get out. With her clients, she prioritizes creative problem solving, organization, clear communication, and firm boundaries.