Red Thread Divorce Consulting

Angel Butler Diamant
Angel Butler Diamant
Owner/Consultant, Texas, United States
Phone - (713) 805-7196
Email -
Address - Houston, Texas, United States
Website -
Overview and Experience
Formal Education and experience in HR, recruiting, marketing, sales development and creation of startups.
In the family court system since 2015. Successfully combated false claims of parental alienation and currently have children full-time.
Areas of focus include- Strategy, post, during and pre-divoce. Documentation and communication and how to be a good witness.
Legal team building, mediation, trial prep, in person support during court.
Special focus includes combating and preventing false claims of parental alienation, custody, custody evals., cases involving any form of abuse, amicus or GAL. Advocacy and special interest in courtroom and legislative reform pertaining to family law, DV and trauma