Soul Choice Counseling

Alyse Rynor
Alyse Rynor
Licensed Clinical Social Worker Divorce Coach, Illinois, United States
Phone - (847) 840-0884
Email -
Address - Evanston, Illinois, USA
Overview and Experience
I am a therapist in private practice and am also a High Conflict Divorce Coach. I work solely with women. Coaching clients are seen for one, two or three sessions, where the focus is on educating and supporting you to feel more prepared to deal with the family court system. Since 1993, I've helped women who've felt confused or frustrated by the manipulative behavior of a high conflict partner. Although I do not provide legal advice, I do bring to your session a clear sense of understanding of the challenge of divorcing a narcissist.
Hours of Operation - Daytime hours only T, W, Th with coaching offered on Friday mornings in the Central Time Zone. (Please check with me as these hours can change.)